Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Guitar 1
Electric Guitar (muted]

Electric Bass (finger]

Lead 1 (square]


Guitar 2
Electric Guitar (muted]

They carved a mess-age deep with-in, Our bro-ken hearts that failed to mend, Make out kids ne-ver had a chance to be best friends. She's in-to math and ma-ga-zines, Dir-ec-tor's cuts and gray cell green Armed with an eye for con-tra-dic-tions, She sees com-plete-ly through me. I'm fond of Twin Peaks af-ter-noons, In-ex-pen-sive wine with cor-don bleu.. Armed with a ple-thor-a of in-se-cur-i-ties, We keep each other a-mused.. Hoor-ay for the mad-ness, we are bet-ter by de-sign, Let's hope we'll ne-ver have to, Say good-bye, Say good-bye. Snowed in sleep o-ver win-ter break, Cock-tails and mi-nia-ture mis-takes, Lights out, we're co-vered in each o-thers' warm em-brace, Hoor-ay for the mad-ness, we are bet-ter by de-sign, Let's hope we'll ne-ver have to, Say good-bye, Say good-bye. If we keep swim-ming, may-be this will ne-ver di-ie, If we keep swim-ming, may-be this will ne-ver di-ie, If we keep swim-ming, may-be this will ne-ver di-ie, If we keep swim-ming, may-be this will ne-ver di-ie, We fail to keep in touch these days, I'm li-quid cold, she's mur-der grey, Hol-lowed by cir-cum-stance that pushed us both a-way, They carved a mess-age deep with-in, Our bro-ken hearts that failed to mend, Make out kids ne-ver had a chance to be best friends.